Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ello Creeper...A/S/L?

  I can't find one decent friend here.Well the thing is, I've never been the type of girl who has 25 best friends. Socially, I could very well be classified as a hermit but I feel I have my reasons. I moved to Tallahassee almost 2 yrs ago and not one solid friend has been by my side, except my lovely boyfriend whom is my best friend/soul mate.

But you know what I mean right? 

Time out... I laugh to myself b/c I speak to this blog as if someone is actually reading, time in.... 

Sometimes its just nice to have some girl time. My best friend in the whole world lives about 976 miles away from me (not that I'm counting or anything) and not only is she my best friend but also my sister. We talk everyday and skype every other day but that does not seem to be enough.

In some ways we are complete opposites for example: while she was in a sorority I was doodling love poems on my dirty converse; she lives in a big city with a population of 2,851,268 and I live in a small city with the population of 6,765 etc. Regardless of our differences she is the sketti to my meatball, chocolate to my heart, peanut butter to my fluff, key to my heart and I'd simply crumble without her. I could go on but I rather focus on the point I am trying to make here, I need more friends. 

So I"m curious...does anyone else wish there was an EHarmony for friend matching? Or is just me? Go on, I'll wait...


  1. love the pictures, you look so pretty <3
    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog :)

    xoxo Christine


  2. Thank you so much for your sweet comments!

  3. There is NOTHING wrong with being a loner. I am a lifelong loner, and I'm sure it will continue as I look at my Mom (who I am a lot like) and she has one, MAYBE two friends.

    I don't mind, I know I am an against the grain kind of girl. I like alone time anyways! Quality over quantity girl!

  4. Hi :)

    Amazing blog you got there! I love it :D
    So that's why I'm a new follower :)

    Maybe you can follow me back and visit my blog and leave some comments? I would like that :)


    Thanks and keep up the good work :)
